Wednesday, September 20, 2006

being so punctual as usual

I am so famous in my office for being punctual. As usual I reached my office 1 hour late. Rushed so fast to my computer and was searching my mail box for it. Can you guess what is it??? A stinker mail for being late. Thank god, I was so depressed to find it not there. It seems like client didn’t make any problems as usual. Everyday before going to bed, I used to take a vow. Tomorrow I will be the first person to reach office. I could keep it till now, but I am proud the I am the last person to reach the office 

But I am person who believes that reaching office early and leaving late wont make a good employee. The person who is smart enough to make his work by time even he is a late comer. And I always tried to be in the same category. So right now I am going to bed, don’t worry I will do the same vow again.

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